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Accept all payments with ease using Flatpay's card terminal - no setup fees, low transaction rates.
Get a cheap and easy solution to receive payments. It has all the necessary features and a user-friendly system. See the comparison table for proof. Besides the price, our customer service is also excellent. With our solution, you get Danish customer support 24/7. It's incredibly easy to get started, and you can become a customer whether you own a startup or an established business.
To ensure that card terminals can process cardholder information correctly, there are certain requirements that they must meet. First, the card terminals must be able to read the card's magnetic stripe. This stripe contains information such as the cardholder's account number and expiration date. Second, the card terminals must be able to connect to a payment processor to confirm the cardholder's information and approve the transaction. Finally, the card terminals must be able to print a receipt for the cardholder. This receipt must include the purchase amount, purchase date, and cardholder's account number. By meeting these requirements, card terminals can provide customers with a safe and convenient way to make purchases.
If your card terminal has been used a lot, it may get dirty. Here is a quick and easy way to clean it:
First, unplug the card terminal from the power source. Then use a soft, dry cloth to dust off the outside. Next, moisten a clean cloth with distilled water, and gently wipe the terminal (NOTE only use a moist cloth, not a wet one, as the electronics cannot tolerate this). Finally, use a lint-free cloth to polish the terminal until it is dry.
That's all there is to it! By following these simple steps, you can keep your card terminal clean and in good working condition.
Despite their convenience and reliability, card terminals can sometimes encounter issues that can disrupt your business operations. Here are some common issues you may encounter and how to troubleshoot them:
If you encounter any issues that cannot be resolved through these troubleshooting steps, contact your card terminal provider's customer support for further assistance. They can help diagnose the issue and provide the necessary repairs or replacements to ensure that your business can continue to operate smoothly.
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